Publish date: 2 March 2022



In September 2021, the Government published Building Back Better: Our Plan for Health and Social Care, which (among other things) is committed to a comprehensive national plan for supporting and enabling integration between health and social care, with a renewed focus on outcomes, empowering local leaders and wider system reforms.

It argues partnership working has been demonstrated and strengthened during the pandemic. Further change is required to go ‘further and faster’ with a particular focus on empowering integration at ‘place’ through the development of shared outcomes across health and social care

In this context, the Integration White Paper, Joining Up Care for People, Places and Populations, is a statement of policy intent. It was published on 9 February 2022 and is subject to a period of engagement and Government response. This briefing which can be opened here summarises the key proposals, next steps and consultation questions contained in the paper.